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Do You Need a Range Hood for an Electric Stove?

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A range hood is an appliance used for ventilating the cooktop area when cooking. It consists of a vent hood, blower, light system, and a filter. A heated debate continues whether or not homeowners do need a range hood over their electric stove. The fact is whether you are using a gas or an electric stove, you need a range hood. This article looks at reasons why you need a range hood over your electric stove.

  • Added Home Value

As much as the range hood comes with many other benefits, the first one is the aesthetic beauty it offers. Range hoods come in a shiny aluminum or stainless steel material that helps in adding to the aesthetic beauty of your kitchen. The lighting system of the range hood brings illumination over the cooktop, making the kitchen beautiful. Then comes the fresh air brought about by the range hood; it is soothing and calming on a hot day. All these help in adding to the overall beauty of your home, which will reward you later when reselling the property. Anyone looking for a house to buy will easily settle for a house with a range hood in the kitchen; they too, want the taste of the beauty.

  • Removal of Fumes

Cooking without a range hood can be very exhausting because of the disgusting fumes that are emitted from the cooktop. The hot gases from the cooking are harmful to your health because they can choke, or suffocate you, especially when deep-frying. The odors can stay in the kitchen area for some time if you do not have a range hood in place. This is very disgusting and discouraging when you want to try some new cuisines. However, with a range hood over the electric stove, you are able to deal with hot fumes and smelly odors. This helps keep you and your family safe from suffocation. It also makes the kitchen area comfortable for hanging around and experimenting with new cuisines.

  • Cost-Effectiveness

Cooking without a range hood over an electric stove can be expensive because when fumes are emitted, it means that you will need to turn your air conditioner on more often. It also means that you will need to have enough lighting in the kitchen area, to illuminate the cooktop, for easier cooking. A range hood comes with a blower for ventilating the hot fumes so that you do not use the air conditioner so often. The range hood also comes with an inbuilt lighting system that helps illuminate the cooktop. All these features help you save some money with the energy bills.

  • Quality Air

Without a range hood, the hot air produced by the cooking makes the air in the kitchen area humid. When this happens, mold and mildew find the perfect breeding ground, something that places you and your family at the risk of allergies and some respiratory-related conditions. Having a range hood over your cooktop, helps eliminate the hot fumes while replacing them with fresh air. This leaves very little chances of mold growth, thus keeping you safe from mold infestation. It also helps provide you with healthy, clean, and cold air for the quality life.

  • Cleanliness

Hot gases, smoke, and fumes produced by the cooking come together to form grease that sticks on cooking pots, the stove, and the walls. The grease not only looks bad but also poses a health hazard to you and your family because it is a perfect catalyst for bacteria growth. Smoke can also form soot that sticks on the walls, cabinetry, and the kitchen windows. Having a range hood, on the other hand, helps prevent the formation of grease, keeping your kitchen clean and appealing.

As seen in this article, a range hood is quite important even when used over an electric stove. It adds to the aesthetic appeal of your kitchen, boosts your home’s resale value, and eliminates gases and fumes, leaving you with a clean kitchen area. Even as you look forward to installing a range hood over your electric stove, you have to put into consideration a few factors such as the mode of venting, the size of your stove, the amount of your cooking, as well as the size of your budget. For optimum benefits from your range hood, buy one with sophisticated features like speed memory, and clean it regularly. When it comes to top installation, do not take chances, and call in a contractor to do it for you. They will give you the peace of mind by ensuring the hood is properly fitted, hence no chances of accidents.