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Does a Custom Range Hood Bring Up the Value of My House?

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One thing that catches the attention of prospective homebuyers during a house viewing is the kitchen. This is because the kitchen plays an essential role in the quality of life people lead.

The condition in which the kitchen is determines the kind of lifestyle you live. A quality and luxurious kitchen allows homeowners to spend more time trying out their favorite and healthier recipes.

In addition to convenience, a safe cooking environment, and enhanced appeal, installing a custom range hood surely goes a long way in improving the value of the home. This article talks about how this type of equipment improves the overall value of a property. 

Improved Functionality 

Custom Range Hood in your kitchen

The primary role of a range hood is to remove hot gases and grime produced during a cooking session. This works by providing a healthier cooking experience and introduces an aspect of improved functionality. Almost all equipment types come with underside lighting that helps illuminate the cooktop. This way, you can see the recipe cooking in a pot over the stove. Potential homebuyers are usually after this kind of functionality when shopping around. With life becoming hard every day that passes, everyone is looking for ways to make theirs easier. With air cleaning equipment in place, you can rely on your property to have a more competitive edge over those who do not have one. 

Makes a Property Standout 

Potential homebuyers view tens of properties before settling on their favorite. Chances are that by the time they come to yours; they have visited and liked a couple, already. Since they are all appealing to their eyes, they are now looking for one distinctive feature to break the tie. If the other properties on the list do not have this critical equipment in place, they will obviously settle on yours. This is because, in addition to improving the ROI, it makes a property stand out from the rest of the market. 

Quality and Luxury Perception 

In addition to having spruced-up kitchen cabinets, installing a good and custom range hood adds to the first impression of a kitchen. Compared to one that lacks this essential feature, a kitchen with this essential equipment gives potential homebuyers an aspect of quality and luxury. This is especially true when you have a ducted range hood. Potential homebuyers will surely appreciate the effort and resources invested in the equipment. Since they may not have a rough estimate of the cost of a range hood, they will be more inclined to agree to your asking price for the property. Whether transitional, modern, or traditional, when an extractor is made to match these styles, it goes a long way in enhancing your property value and consequently attracting a higher ROI. 

Market Trends 

Having air-cleaning equipment in kitchens seems to be one of the most rising market trends. Potential homebuyers often come across properties with custom range hoods when perusing and scrolling through property magazine pages and articles online. It therefore implies among the key features potential homebuyers will be on the lookout for is this type of equipment. Besides, no one wishes to miss a great market trend. The ripple effect of a property being in conformity with the current trend is that it will attract more potential buyers who will be willing to meet your asking price. 

Energy Efficiency 

With the effects of global warming getting severer each day that passes, people have started embracing more environmentally friendly practices. A range hood is one of the many ways of reducing your carbon footprint especially if you are an environmental conservation enthusiast. In addition to eliminating hot gases and grime, equipment also contributes to energy efficiency in several ways. To begin with, they come with LED lighting that cuts monthly energy bills by more than half of the common incandescent light bulbs. They also come with fan speed control where you can adjust the airflow rate according to your desired setting. Having such an energy energy-efficient equipment guarantees your property a higher resale value over others in the market. 

Since it is agreeable that a custom range hood adds to the value of the property, chances are you are asking yourself what to do if you do not have one already. This is where a contractor comes in handy. They will skillfully install one in a much-reduced timeframe so that you do not miss the next property viewing. When choosing a contractor, be sure to go for the best, as this is the only way to ensure you stand out.